Hello. Dr. Jill Wohlfeil with another edition of news from Reneu. Happy Friday!
Today we are going to be talking about vaginal rejuvenation. So fair warning – there will be a lot of “V words”.
So ladies, I don’t have to tell you that there are certain times in our life where things just aren’t the same “over there”. After childbirth, peri-menopause and menopause are the the most obvious. Well the good news is you don’t have to just “deal with it” or hope things will change on their own. Tissue rejuvenation is easier than you think. Radio frequency energy has been refined to support the unique technology available with our ThermiVa device. Now
you may be thinking “what are you going to wear? where?”. and yes a small lack is used to deliver the energy to the
the tissues that need it the most – whether it’s your vagina, vulva, or both. Radio frequency stimulates collagen, elastin, cells revitalizing and even stimulating peptides. All that translates to a happier vagina and a happier you. Not only do you get better elasticity and lubrication, the neuropeptide stimulation gives you better sexual functioning – you know what I’m talking about here – and a more focused calm bladder – no more need to go, I have to go.
So visit our website for more information, give us a call for a free consultation and mention this video for $100 off your ThermiVa treatment.
How’s that for a good weekend? Because here at Reneu, we want you to be the best you ever – inside and out.