The Benefits of IPL

Hello, Dr. Jill Wohlfeil here with another addition of News from Reneu. Well it sure feels like Fall out there, changing leaves, cooler weather, football games, homecoming – Go Racoons!! So as we settle in to this season lets talk about getting our skin ready for the cooler dryer weather. You may not has been as good as you would have liked using your sunscreen and now you are seeing darker pigmentation, unevenness in you skin tone, dryness and dull skin.

One solution – especially for pigment – the dreaded age spots – is a photo facial. Using our laser/IPL device we can treat the areas of pigmentation. The laser or actually collection of light wavelengths actually excites the pigmented cells and physically pulls them out of the skin – the pigment is gone! Now if the pigment is newer – the last year or two, one treatment is typically all you need, if it is older or deeper pigment it may take a couple treatments. Regardless, treating the skin with IPL gives you many benefits, including tightening fine lines, brightening skin and stimulating the production of collagen.

That’s the photo facial procedure offered here at Reneu – and the best news – it’s on sale for the from now until October 31. Next week I will talk about peels – another approach for freshening up that dull summer skin and reducing pigmentation. So give us a call so we can help you get ready for Fall – because here at Reneu, we want you to be the best you ever. Go Racoons!


Hello. Dr. Jill Wohlfeil with another edition of news from Reneu. Happy Friday!

Today we are going to be talking about vaginal rejuvenation. So fair warning – there will be a lot of “V words”.

So ladies, I don’t have to tell you that there are certain times in our life where things just aren’t the same “over there”. After childbirth, peri-menopause and menopause are the the most obvious. Well the good news is you don’t have to just “deal with it” or hope things will change on their own. Tissue rejuvenation is easier than you think. Radio frequency energy has been refined to support the unique technology available with our ThermiVa device. Now
you may be thinking “what are you going to wear? where?”. and yes a small lack is used to deliver the energy to the
the tissues that need it the most – whether it’s your vagina, vulva, or both. Radio frequency stimulates collagen, elastin, cells revitalizing and even stimulating peptides. All that translates to a happier vagina and a happier you. Not only do you get better elasticity and lubrication, the neuropeptide stimulation gives you better sexual functioning – you know what I’m talking about here – and a more focused calm bladder – no more need to go, I have to go.

So visit our website for more information, give us a call for a free consultation and mention this video for $100 off your ThermiVa treatment.

How’s that for a good weekend? Because here at Reneu, we want you to be the best you ever – inside and out.

Summer Isn’t Over Yet!

Hello, Dr. Jill Wohlfeil here with another episode of News from Reneu.  Just can’t complain about this weather.  Make sure you are still wearing your daily sunscreen – like SkinBetter’s Smart Tone.  It also comes in a convenient compact.  Love it for reapplications on the run!

And don’t worry – if you haven’t been perfect with the sunscreen and your face is showing it our photo facials will soon be on special.  Using a set wavelength of light we can actually pull that pigment right out of your skin.  You need to wait until most of your summer color is gone – so with that in mind, our photo facial will be on special in October.

Maybe summer hasn’t been as laid back and quiet as you would have liked and stress has gotten the best of you.  As a specialist in hormonal management I get a lot of questions about Cortisol and the Cortisol belly.  Where did this come from anyway??  Well it’s true, abnormal cortisol levels can cause weight gain around the middle.  And so can peri-menopause!  So how do you sort it all out?  Well part of that puzzle is checking your cortisol levels.  This needs to be done over a 24 hour period of time as your cortisol naturally varies with the clock.  We use our partner lab, ZRT, to get the best results with 4 timed samples of saliva.  Why saliva and not blood?  Saliva tells us what is going on at the cellular level, rather than what your body has passed up as waste.  The test is easy to use and results come within 2 weeks.  Other signs of cortisol imbalance?  Poor sleep, change in metabolism, hair loss, mood swings and poor absorption – just to name a few.  So if this sounds like you, or you just feel that your cortisol needs to be checked, give us a call and we can get you set up for a hormonal consultation. Because here at Reneu, we want you to be the best you ever – inside and out!  See you next week!

Alpharet Peel, Reneu Your Skin!

Hello, Dr. Jill Wohlfeil here from Reneu Health & Medispa with another addition of News from Reneu.

You may have heard that I was on vacation last month and I just want to give a shout out to my amazing staff – not only did they hold the fort down, they actually rocked the boat with some awesome specials, fun giveaways and indulgent VIP treatments! Wow. Next time I’m going to do a stay-cation. They are amazing!

Feeling like you missed something? No fear! We put our heads together for some great Fall treatment specials. Get those kids back to school and then you can get back to you!

A great way to start off the season right is to get that summer skin back in shape. Let’s face it, we all had a few days of missed sunscreen, forgotten moisturizer or busy weekends without your usual skin care routine. The result? Sun damage, dryness, dull skin, pigmentation, fine lines – some or all of the above.

Our recommendation – a great peel to resurface your skin, stimulate collagen and most importantly increase cell turn over – the key to keeping our skin youthful! Did you know that your cell turn over decreases 10% per decade after age 30?? yikes! That is where a good peel can get things going and a good retinoid can keep things going. SkinBetters AlphRet peel combines their award winning retinoid with AHA. This unique technology gives you all the advantages of a retinol, without the side effects of peeling skin, redness and irritation – I just had one about 30 minutes ago – no peeling, no redness – just smooth and glow. Thank You!

So give us a call to set up your AlphaRet Peel! Remember consultations are always free! Get your face ready for Fall at Reneu – because here at Reneu we want you to be the best you ever!

Smooth Skin, Hydrofacials, and Dermaplaning

Hello Dr. Jill Wohlfeil here with another edition of News from Reneu. Looking pretty casual here – but I just got my dermaplaning and hydrafacial done – lovely, lovely. You know that feeling when you look in the mirror and notice all the little fuzzies on your face and chin! Hello menopause!! What next?? Well nothing a good dermaplaning can’t take care of, which got me thinking – how do you choose what to do – Hydrafacial? Dermaplaning? A good peel? So let’s talk a little about those procedures and don’t forget – consultations are always free. We would be happy to see you in person for a full skin evaluation to make personal recommendations from there.

So let’s start with dermaplaning. Maybe you saw the Instagram reel we just posted. If not, take a peek. Dermaplaning is a lot like it sounds. A sterile planing tool is used to gently plane off the dermis – your skin! This procedure can be added to any of our facia procedures and really should be. The idea is to get all the old, dry dead skin off so that the prcedure – whether we are talking about a Hydrafacial, radiofrequency treatments, a peel, photofacial – why waste any of that great technology on dead skin? Get it off! Also, those fuzzies, lip hairs, chin whiskers gone!

Next up we can talk about the Hydrafacial – and like the ad says – don’t just call if a facial. This is a medical-grade treatment that gives you professional exfoliation, extractions and hydration – 3 to 6 different steps depending on your concerns. Look at this glow – one-hour post Hydrafacial! Visit for more information. But this is the procedure for anyone looking for surface rejuvenation to help with uneven skin tone, dryness, fine lines, and large pores – this is the procedure for you. Big event coming up? Get in for a Hydrafacial to get your best face forward.

If you are looking for even more results for bigger problems – acne scars, large pores, pigmentation, facial wrinkles, then we are talking about peels. As the name would suggest, a specialized product is applied to your face – again, depending on your concerns and the amount of sun damage, aging issues – and the superficial layer of damaged or aged skin will actually peel off – giving you new healthy skin stimulated to produce collagen, elastin and growth factors for ongoing rejuvenation. The good news is we even have a peel that doesn’t make you viably peel. Read more about SkinBetters Alpha Ret Peel at

So, ladies and gentlemen – we all know we should take it up a notch with our skin care to prevent or correct the signs of aging, and here at  Reneu, we make it easy for you with all these great choices.

So give us a call today to set up your appointment for better skin – because here are Reneu. We want to make you the best you ever!

Mention this video for 10% off any of the procedures I discussed – good for the rest of August!

Goodbye Unwanted Fat!

Hello and Happy 4th of July. And if you didn’t realize it before, you do now – summer is upon us, and that means shorts and sleeveless tops, swimsuits, golf shirts, and other apparel you may not be thrilled about wearing. But have no fear – this week’s News from Reneu is all about fat reduction. Yep, fat reduction that works. You’ve done the exercising, you are eating clean, taking your supplements, sleeping well and still those stubborn fat deposits don’t want to budge. One of the reasons – hormonal imbalance – we call it the Meno-belly, but don’t worry guys you get the Mano- belly. And what about back fat??? Where did that even come from? Well, discussing those hormonal changes that start to occur even in our late 30’s is a whole other topic we will cover on another Thursday, but for now, realize that a lot of that change in physic is how we are programmed to age. So what can we do to fight back against that genetic programming?

One option is CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting is a procedure, that as the name could suggest gets rid of fat by getting it cold, really, really cold. Once the fat cells freeze you body naturally carts that material away – and you will get a 20-25% fat reduction in the area treated. It works and works permanently because your body does not make more fat cells once you are thru adolescence. Freeze the fat and it’s gone. Now depending on the amount of fat reduction you want, a second treatment may be needed, but regardless with that first treatment say good bye to 20-25% of your fat cells. The procedure takes 1-3 hours, again depending on areas, there is no down-time. Discomfort afterward is minimal – similar to a sore muscle and you can return to your full activities.

Best of all Cool sculpting is on sale with buy 2 get one free – but this special is running out July 15th. So call today to get in on this great special. Your cycles will need to be purchased, not necessarily completed by July 15. Call and we can give you all the details.

Fat reduction can also be accomplished with lipo suction – did you know we do wide-awake lipo suction here at Reneu? Sometimes know as Tickle Lipo. This is a minor surgical procedure that actually removes the fat with a thin vibrating cannula. Recovery is minimal – we ask that you lay low for 3-4 days, but most people are back at it within 4-5 days.

Lastly we have Venus Legacy. Altho Venus Legacy is radio frequency technology marketed for skin tightening – which it does – it also achieves some fat reduction in the area being tightened – great examples would be inner thighs and upper arms – those areas that may have more loose skin than a volume issue.

So there you have it – Meno-Belly, Mano-belly, stubborn fat deposits beware! we have a procedure for almost everybody and almost any area. Remember medusa consultations are always free, so give us a call today! and before July 15 if you want the Coolsculpting special! Because here at Reneu – we want you to be the best you ever.

Skin Sagging? Worry No More!

Hi. Dr. Jill Wohlfeil here with another Thursday’s news from Reneu.

Today we are talking about skin tightening.

As we age, we, unfortunately, make less collagen, and the collagen that we make is less sturdy. That is why we can see skin laxity as we get older. Common areas are the jowls – I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t do this when I was 25 years old! It’s all about collagen -but how do you get more collagen in the places you need it? Well, I talked about collagen peptide supplements a couple of weeks ago. Those building blocks that get our bodies to produce more collagen, and I am a great fan of NutriDyn’s Collagen Renewal. But how about a hands-on treatment that pushes your body to use up those building blocks and produce fibroblasts ( our collagen-producing cells ) and growth factor proteins? I am talking about the Venus Legacy treatments offered here at Reneu. You may have heard about radio frequency energy and its stimulatory effects, which Venus Legacy gives us. Still, unlike other RF technologies, Venus is a dual-energy treatment, combining RF with Pulsed Electromagnetic fields. So we get not only increase production of fibroblasts but also an increase in growth factor production. And what that all means? more collagen! Tighter skin! less laxity! Bring it on.

The treatment takes about 20 minutes – you will feel warmth similar to the warmth of a hot tub. The treatment protocol is 6-8 treatments about a week apart. The best part – there is no downtime, no worries about being in the sun, and Venus Legacy is safe for all skin types.

And did I mention the Varipulse technology for cellulite? Needless to say, whether you are talking about saggy jowls (don’t you hate that word?) or loose skin on the back of your arms, stretch marks on your belly, or cellulite on your back side – we have a great, safe, technology for you!

And best of all – our Venus Legacy packages are on sale for $100 off. Give us a call soon.

Because here at Reneu, we want you to be the best you ever have. (jowls included)

Weight Loss and Supplements

Welcome back to another Thursday’s News from Reneu. Dr. Jill Wohlfeil here, and a question I get asked a lot – are there supplements that can help with weight loss? The answer is a resounding “Yes!”, but the operative word is HELP with weight loss. There is not a pill supplement, prescription or injection that is not going to work if you are not also eating for your metabolism (and that is a whole other topic that we address thru our Reneu Balance program). But after that – Yes! – some supplements can help! Let’s talk about a couple that should make sense to you.

First of all probiotics – you hear about them everywhere, you see them everywhere – but what do they really do. Honestly the medical research community is just breaking into this – the study of the microbiome – or the community of bacteria in your body and specifically today in your gut. The correct bacteria can to you a lot of good in making your weight loss more successful. They can influence appetite and increase energy usage ( ie burn more calories) by producing something called short-chain fatty acids.

They can decrease the absorption of fats – especially fats contained in dairy, so overall you will harvest fewer calories from what you eat. Some even cause the release of appetite regulating hormones.

I don’t know about you, but I am really appreciating my microbiome and want to keep it happy!!

So not all probiotics are created equally. The number and species and variety are all very important. The really “good guys” are the Lactobaccillus and specifically Lactobaccillu Gasseri. The Gasseri especially has been shown to help with belly fat. Bifidobacterium is another species know to help with metabolism

Variety is also important – you want at least 5 different species.

And at least 30 billion active units – the big number on the front.

One brand that fits that bill is NutriDyn’s Ultrabiotic.

So yes – probiotics can help with your weight loss program. How about an appetite suppressant – you know that in medicine, Phentermine can be prescribed to decrease appetite, but did you know that some natural products can do the same? One is a substance called Caralluma – an extract of an edible cactus native to India. It has been used for centuries to curb hunger, and it works. It is one of 3 powerful diet supplements in Living Greens Fat reduction accelerator. The other two are Garcinia which is known to decrease the conversion of carbohydrates to fat (read storage) and the second is Green Tea extract – a powerful antioxidant.

The last supplement I want to mention is from Living Green, their Stored-Fat Belly Burner. I get a lot of questions from my patients about the dreaded “Meno-belly” that peri-menopausal weight gain that seems to go right around the middle. Irwin Naturals Stored Fat Burner targets areas of fat storage with the active ingredient Sinetrol which has been shown to increase the body’s ability to metabolize and mobilize stored fat – especially in that stubborn belly area.

So there you have it – there is more to it than eating less and exercising more. First, make sure you are eating for your metabolism – not sure? Call us today to talk about the Reneu Balance Program blood work panel. Secondly, take care of your gut biome with a proper probiotic – put those little guys to work! Lastly, if appetite or stored fat are a problem Living Green’s Max Accelerator or Stored-Fat belly Burner are both options!

And to make it even better – all on special thru the end of July for 15% off!

Because here at Reneu – we want you to be the best you ever ( and the thinnest)

Understanding PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy)

Jill Wohlfeil from Reneu Health & Medispa. Another addition to Thursday’s News from Reneu. This week we are talking about one of my favorite procedures offered at Reneu – PRP or platelet-rich plasma therapy.

So let’s talk a little bit about PRP. You may have heard it used in conjunction with micro-needling and called the “vampire facial.” But PRP is an amazing, natural rejuvenating therapy with a much richer history. PRP has been used for medical rejuvenation since the 1970s. After extensive surgical procedures, maxillofacial surgeons first used it to rejuvenate bone and tissue growth. Next, the orthopods discovered its rejuvenating properties for joint injuries and accelerated healing. And you can’t use the word “rejuvenating” without an aesthetic practitioner’s ear perking up. PRP has been used in skin rejuvenation, scar reduction, hair loss treatments, and injecting into volume-depleted areas. I haven’t even mentioned the applications for gynecologic and sexual issues, but that is another talk.

So how and why does this all work? Well, platelets are the cells in your blood that promote healing by stimulating the production of growth factors. So may separating the platelets from the rest of your blood, we can concentrate that super rejuvenating power and apply it directly to problem areas – so we are talking fine lines and wrinkles, large pores, acne scarring, poor skin tone, volume loss on the face, neck, ecotage, back of hands – really anywhere. And the best part about it is that it is all natural – we use your platelet power to stimulate collagen and elastin in your skin to give you your youthful appearance back.

So your blood is drawn in a special tube and then treated and spun down in a centrifuge. This process separates the platelets, red blood cells, and serum. Look at the picture we posted after my talk, and you will see the blood that has been spun and is ready to have the platelets extracted. Once we have the platelets, we are ready for treatment. the most common application is micro needling. So micro-needling uses a hand-piece to put thousands of minute holes or channels in your skin. By adding PRP to this procedure, you are putting the ultimate “collagen stimulator” into the healing process. We also use PRP on the scalp to stimulate hair growth for thinning hair. It can be injected into areas of hollowness – under the eyes are a great spot for this procedure and the back of the hands.

Bottom line – if you want more youthful collagen, you want PRP treatment. So call today!

It’s Always Sunscreen Season

What a difference a week makes – I hope you are all staying cool and wearing sunscreen!
I’d like to talk a little bit about planning today because who doesn’t need a plan? Whether it’s planned for the weekend, plans for the vegetable garden, or plans for healthy eating, we all like plans.

One of the things you asked us for here at Reneu was a plan for taking good care of your skin and slowing down the clock a little. Well, you asked, and we made it happen in our Reneu Membership program.

It all starts with a free consultation and a questionnaire regarding your skin, whether it is correction, prevention or both. The skin assessment is made thru history and exam, and then we give you a plan! And not just a plan, a plan that gives you significant savings over our everyday prices.

For example – The Silver Membership gives you a monthly professional treatment from the Silver list – including peels, signature hydra facial, derma planing, and facial laser hair removal. You also get 5% off all of our skincare products. The Gold Membership adds in radio frequency skin tightening and 10% off products. Platinum adds micro-needling (my personal favorite) and Photo facials plus a whopping 15% off.

The best news is you can cancel anytime or even give your service a month away.

So we all know we need to take it up a notch in skin care if we want to slow down the aging process, but how do you even begin with so many choices out there? Well, it begins here at Reneu. With our membership program, you will have a monthly professional skin assessment and then be scheduled for what you need – not what sounds good, or is on sale somewhere or your best friend just had. Stop piece mealing your skincare together, and let us set you up to be the best you ever.

Call today for more information!